Becoming Beauvoir with Kate Kirkpatrick

Simone de Beauvoir was an existentialist philosopher who laid the foundation for the modern feminist movement. We sat down to talk to author Kate Kirkpatrick about everything Beauvoir, from her childhood, to her personal relationships, to her commitment to social justice movements such as the decolonization of Algeria. This episode is for anyone interested in discussing Beauvoir’s social ideals and discovering how they remain relevant today.

Looking for transcripts of our podcast? Check out our YouTube channel for videos of each episode with closed captioning. Updated captions and full transcripts to be posted to our website soon.

Kate Kirkpatrick is Lecturer in Religion, Philosophy, and Culture at King’s College London. An expert on Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir, she has written several books on them both including the ground-breaking biography Becoming Beauvoir.

3 thoughts on “Becoming Beauvoir with Kate Kirkpatrick”

  1. Loved it! What a pity about the poor quality of audio when Kate Kirkpatrick speaks. Anyway, this story motivated me to the book. Many thanks

  2. Difficult to understand speech of guest – questions were clear but the voice of the guest seemed to have an echo as though the room she was in interfered I gave up listening after 10 minutes


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